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A Bountiful Heart

Birthdays. A celebration of the days we were blessed with those in our lives. A day all about them. Today was one of those days. Today I was able to celebrate my mother's birthday,and we were together to do just that.  It was a beautiful fall day in which she and I were able to take a day just to ourselves without the stresses of kids and time lines. Leaves in shades of vibrant yellows and oranges fell gently on cobbled-stoned streets as we visited cute little shops filled with Polish pottery and the wafting smells of gourmet coffees.  It was a gift to both of us in a life of craziness and responsibilities. A day filled with laughter and conversation, while eating white chicken chili, reminiscing about the past and looking forward to the future that awaits us. Discussing 9,6, and 2 and how blessed and silly our lives are with their antics and personalities.
     But the best gift of the day was not one that was wrapped in tissue paper, tucked in a lovely gift bag. It wasn't a card with the perfect sentiment given to my mom on her special day that made her tear up. It was a gift she has given to me and my children. It is her love and her presence that is the best present one could ever ask to receive.
     When I was a young child growing up, I was lucky to see my grand parents once a year when we visited them in New York, or they came to visit us during the summers. However, although my relationship with them was strong I didn't want that for my kids. I wanted them to have a relationship with my parents and my mother that was more than that. 
      I wanted my children to be able to look up in the middle of a soccer game and see their grandparents' faces and hear their cheers. I wanted my mom to be an integral part of my children's lives. I wanted 9,6, and 2 to be able to spend time on a regular basis in which the fabric of their lives was intertwined with sleep overs with their Nanny and Pop, visits to local pumpkin patches just because, and games of hide and seek that ended in squealing toddlers and tickle time. I wanted my parents to be able to see my children on Christmas day opening their presents and not just having to see pictures and hear their voices over the phone.  I wanted to be able to just stop over to my parents' house and share a cup of coffee for an hour and visit for a while.
     I have been blessed over the last few years to have this wish coming true. After many years of traveling and moving, my parents are now rooted here by us. This is a wonderful gift to me and my children and I don't take this gift for granted. 
      In a world of uncertainty, I am certain of one thing and that is the love of my mother. She is the rock that has always held our family steady and gives Martha Stewart a run for her money in hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Growing up she was the settler of our numerous homes and the bringer of peace in a life of military uncertainty. She sacrificed her own desires and wishes to give my brother and myself a life of comfort and stability. She was a model of love and always our biggest cheering section even many times when she was the only one there to cheer us on. We knew she was there in the crowd, with her heart bursting with pride and a smile on her face.
      A couple of years ago a student was writing a paper in class about the most important person in her life. This student said, "When things happen in my life, I can't wait to tell my mom all about them. I can't wait to get home and share my experiences with her because for me, until I tell my mom, no matter how exciting a thing may be, it just doesn't seem that it really exists until I share it with my mom."  I read that line, written by one of my eighth graders and knew exactly how she felt. I got it. I could relate. That line resonated with me and completely defined how I feel about my mom. 
    I agreed then, I agree now, and today I celebrate the gift of my mom.   I love you mom. You are the best mom and friend a daughter could ever have. Thank you for always being there with your love and your heart. 9,6, 2 and I are so blessed to have you in our lives.  Happy Birthday to you!


  1. This is so touching. I miss my mom everyday and talk about her everyday! No matter how old we get-we never outgrow our moms and our need for them!!


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