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Simple Living

     I have felt the need lately to purge.  I don't mean the spring cleaning type of purging that happens when the weather is nice and the windows are open. I mean the start in the basement and go through the boxes of wedding bows that have lived there for 12 years in August purge. The kind of cleaning that makes our basement look like we are ready to move, purge. Why is this? What is this phenomenon in me that makes me feel like I need cleanliness? 
     I feel that for me cleanliness equals clarity. For a mom of three, this is not always an easy task.  And I get that things need to be out. Although quite frankly, I hate having the toaster on the counter. I get that the kids have Matchbox cars, stuffed animals, and "Goo" from a recent birthday party, and they are playing and will clean up when they are done. I don't have a problem with that kind of mess. 
      But it just seems that more and more, we are bombarded with so much 'stuff' everywhere we go. Life is not simple anymore for most families. Why is this? Are we really feeling fulfilled with all the stuff? Do we even KNOW all the stuff that we have? I dare say we don't. It just keeps getting added and added to the other 'stuff' we already have. 
      I know my children are often overwhelmed with their 'stuff'. I have three of them. My oldest is 9, the middle is 6, and the youngest is 2. From here on out they will be lovingly referred to as 962. My loves have more than enough in terms of toys, games, gizmos, and such. However, they are often bored.  I read recently a post where a mom is now saying to her children, "It is not my job to make you NOT bored."  I find myself wanting to say this. I get this.  But did my grandmother ever have to say these words? My great grandmother? The answer is simply --No!
      Many of my friends and fellow mothers have the same issues with their loves. It is not just me and the chemical and genetic make-up of 962. Honestly, that does make me feel a tinsy bit better, but it doesn't solve the problem. How do we help mold the future leaders of our country, solvers of our nation's problems, and teachers of future generations when they are bored with all that modern society has already given them?  What needs to change?
      So here is where I start. This blog is my journey. My journey in purposeful mothering. I am a mother not unlike many others out there. I love my children and I want the best for them. And often enough the best often starts with the least. So here is to simplifying, finding our true joys, and things that make us think about great and exciting things, as well as finding the tiniest things in life that make us question how they fit into the great big things!


  1. Love this! I'll definitely be checking back! Love you K! <3

  2. Kristen, PLEASE do yourself a favor and get the book entitled "The Story of Stuff". It really highlights how our quest for 'stuff' takes up a majority of our free time, and doesn't actually make us happy. It is really the best book I've ever read. It'll help you with some solutions.

    1. Thanks so much for the book info. I will definitely check it out! :)

  3. I too have felt the need to purge lately. With three older kids, they don't accumulate as much as when they were younger but it feels good to clean and get rid of stuff that just sits. I really want to simplify and have less stress. I want to enjoy more of the "things" in life that aren't really things.


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