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A Bee-U-tiful New Journey

         Two years ago, I took a leap of faith.  A door opened and I walked through it.   To say it was not scary leaving something that for 20 years had become my normal routine, would be a lie. Doubt filled thoughts danced through my head. Would I like the new change? Would it financially work out? What if it was short lived? What would I do then?  However,  there was this voice inside my head. It was quiet, yet persistent. It said, Take the Risk
           Looking back now, I believe that this voice was the Holy Spirit. I decided to listen and not look back.  This journey has taken me to so many physical and emotional places and it has been an amazing journey.  I have met positive visionaries from all over the world. People who are now part of the tapestry of my life. They are threads that continue to add dimension and color to the ever changing art piece.
        In these last two years I have grown so much in so many ways.  Taking a step away from what was my routine allowed me to focus on what makes my soul and spirit filled with joy. I have taken note of what needed to be prioritized and what needed to be excluded.    
        When I first started my new job, there were many new and excited aspects of this Montessori Adolescent program.  I was only an assistant to the keeping of our bees for our school program. I had other things on my plate while at the farm we partnered with such as teaching horsemanship. A love of horses has always run through my veins and the sense of peace I have felt with them has been both powerful and therapeutic at different times in my life. 
         However, I felt drawn to these tiny black and yellow creatures. A true sense of peace and wonder when working with them covered me like a warm hug. I did not fear being stung, because I accepted that it was going to happen. I looked past the fear and focused on the amazing work being done by these bees.
         I felt entranced with these tiny insects. Maybe it was because I had always tasted honey and used it in my tea. Maybe it was because I was finally able to understand how and where it came from intimately.  I had never been knee deep watching the creation, the organization of the colony, and the beauty of nature and how it intertwines.  I had always just reaped the rewards without noticing the work and true sacrifice that went into creating such an amazing sweet syrup.
        In the last year, I have dove right into the ins and outs of bee keeping. I have read books, blogs, and bee journals. You Tube videos have given me a visual of things that I have not experienced first hand with our hives. However, the best gift is that I have been blessed to have a mentor who has gently guided and supported me. He was divinely placed in my life to impart 50 years of knowledge. Knowledge that he so wants to share and see carried on for years into the next generation of beekeeping. He knows the importance of bees for all of humanity to be healthy and thriving. I lovingly now call him my Grandpa Bee. 
        Even with all the new adventures that have been a part of my life since I walked through that door,  I have been having the feeling of something new was emerging. Like that of a baby bee, entering the hive to do great work. I too, felt a calling, but I did not know yet what it was. 
        I thought I had found my perfect job. Why did I feel a need for something different? I had found the perfect fit for our family. Yet, as much as I tried to make it work, there were things out of my control that kept saying, No. This is not your destination. It was just a stopping point where you needed to do great work. Your work here is done, and now you must move on. 
         The door that I had so confidently walked through two years ago, was shut abruptly in the last month. There will not be an adolescent program next year.  There was nothing more I could do to open it back up. Honestly I was shocked, yet not surprised. I knew that door had been shut, by someone greater than myself. I wouldn't have shut it on my own. I was pouring too much of my heart and soul into this new job to ever shut it. 
          However, it wasn't my decision. You see, seeds of change had been planted just two months prior when in casual conversation my husband had asked me, "What would you want to do for a job if you didn't do what you do now?"   I didn't miss a beat and I replied, "I would write, paint, have bees, make honey, have horses, and grow gardens of cut flowers."   He looked at me and smiled as I sat at the kitchen table dabbling with my watercolors. 
           So friends, this is where I find myself now. After realizing that I will have time of my own, and I could choose exactly what direction my life will take now, I made a decision. I chose to bring to life the vision that I had when my husband asked me that casual question. The peace, joy, and simplicity, is coming to fruition with the creation of Aunt Sibbee's.
           Aunt Sibbee's is my own bee keeping/cut flower business. From the concept in my head to the creation of the logo, it has all been already an amazing story of faith and following.  I simply asked who could help me with some graphic art, and lo and behold my brother was taking the exact class that did this type of work. He took my vision and created the charming logo you see at the top of the page. Not only is it beautiful, it captures exactly what I wanted and it was made with love from my brother. That is priceless. 
           This new adventure will allow me to be at home with my children, educate others through workshops about the wonder of bees, sell delectable honey, write about our adventures, and hopefully inspire others to start listening to what their hearts are asking for. 
            So what is your soul yearning for? If someone asked you today, What would you do with your life if you could do anything other than what you are doing? What would your answer be?  
            I encourage you to listen.
            Follow to where your heart is leading you.
            Be open to change.  
            Living a life without taking risks is easy. It is like the view you get by sitting back and watching the bees buzzing around the hive. You see all the action, however, unless you suit up, you won't partake in the sweetness of the harvest.  
            Suit up friends! Partake in all the sweetness life has to offer. I promise that the stings are worth it in the end.  


  1. I am so happy you get to live your dream. The bees need the world needs the bees. Much love to you as you begin this new journey my friend.

  2. Kristen- I am positive that this new adventure will bring you immense joy and wish you much success!


  3. it is a wise thing, to follow your heart. I wish you great success and happiness!

  4. Awesome, beautiful idea! I know you will succeed!


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