I am a self-admitted pen junkie! I could browse for hours in aisles of Office Max ogling and trying out the newest, sleekest, and most colorful pens on the market. Honestly, it really is part of my job criteria. As a teacher I try to avoid any 'red' colored pens to grade with, therefore, I MUST stay on top of the state of the art in all things pen! During this time of year, I have no lack of pen paraphernalia in any store I chose to venture. It is of course "Back to School" shopping time.
Before I was a mom, I saw the carts filled with crayons, glue sticks, and new lunch boxes. Usually there was a little love bug who was bouncing from one side of the aisle to the next asking "Do I need this? How about this?" I couldn't help but smile and anticipate when my lovies would be that excited about school. Then it happened, and although part of me was excited when 9 started school, part of me grieved too.
I am sure this is normal and not anything that other mothers throughout the modern world haven't also dealt with, but I wasn't really prepared for this phenomenon. It is one of those unwritten laws of motherhood that wasn't included in the baby raisin' books I delved into prior to becoming one. On one hand, by this time of having the two week count down toward the first day of school, my children, even with all the adventures and fun activities that we have partaken in, are just plain CRAZED!!
I'm talking about seriously on each other's nerves, and mine. We have spent way too much time together and I think that they really do have some sort of "sibling silliness virus" that spreads within seconds and can bring any 962 year old to their knees in slap happy tears. Then without warning, it causes limbs and digits to invade the space of any neighbor which then causes fits of muscular tics and crying, slapping, screaming, and usually ends with the much needed 'ice pack' from the freezer to rein in the natives. It is quite an epidemic.
Herein lies the double edged sword. On one hand, I need a vacation from my summer vacation. I need quiet, and the ability to use the bathroom without small hands pounding on the door needing a drink. However, I know that when I return to work on the first day of school, the summer that 962 were 9, 6, and 2 is officially over. Done. Kaput. Finished. And that makes me sad. That time. That beloved summer time that I look forward to all year has come and gone never to return again. I know that as they grow older they will also long for their summers to be their own where they want to spend more time with their friends, and less time together getting the "silliness virus". I know that although my mind is foggy right now with the haze of 105 degree summer days, I will long for these days as the new school year revs its educational engine.
And this sacred summer season has been a glorious one for my kids. Although we stayed put and didn't travel anywhere out of our 50 mile radius the kids thrived. We picked blackberries, rode horses, went bike riding, bowling, skating, fishing, camping, and swimming. We rode water slides, climbed rock walls, played laser tag, saw movies, spent overnights with their grandparents, and went to friends' birthday parties. My loves learned how to groom horses, shoot bows and arrows, swim without their swim vests, conquer giant inflatable slides with their brothers' help, worked on potty training, went to Vacation Bible School at our church, and 9 went to his first three day/overnight church camp. They picked and ate fresh zucchini from a garden, saw chickens lay eggs, and compared them to store bought eggs. They shot water guns, jumped off both low dives and high dives, watered flowers, and visited with their great grand parents.
All in all, it was a fun filled and educational summer for 962. I saw 9 come into his own with independence and compassion, huge growth in bravery and confidence for 6, and giant leaps in vocabulary and creativity for 2. They are a far cry from where they were last summer, and worlds away where they will be this time next year. For now we have 13 days till the big yellow bug pulls into our neighborhood beckoning the boys to get on board for more adventures. Tonight I head to bed early so I can enjoy tomorrow and absorb all the silliness I can that tomorrow will bring.
Before I was a mom, I saw the carts filled with crayons, glue sticks, and new lunch boxes. Usually there was a little love bug who was bouncing from one side of the aisle to the next asking "Do I need this? How about this?" I couldn't help but smile and anticipate when my lovies would be that excited about school. Then it happened, and although part of me was excited when 9 started school, part of me grieved too.
I am sure this is normal and not anything that other mothers throughout the modern world haven't also dealt with, but I wasn't really prepared for this phenomenon. It is one of those unwritten laws of motherhood that wasn't included in the baby raisin' books I delved into prior to becoming one. On one hand, by this time of having the two week count down toward the first day of school, my children, even with all the adventures and fun activities that we have partaken in, are just plain CRAZED!!
I'm talking about seriously on each other's nerves, and mine. We have spent way too much time together and I think that they really do have some sort of "sibling silliness virus" that spreads within seconds and can bring any 962 year old to their knees in slap happy tears. Then without warning, it causes limbs and digits to invade the space of any neighbor which then causes fits of muscular tics and crying, slapping, screaming, and usually ends with the much needed 'ice pack' from the freezer to rein in the natives. It is quite an epidemic.
Herein lies the double edged sword. On one hand, I need a vacation from my summer vacation. I need quiet, and the ability to use the bathroom without small hands pounding on the door needing a drink. However, I know that when I return to work on the first day of school, the summer that 962 were 9, 6, and 2 is officially over. Done. Kaput. Finished. And that makes me sad. That time. That beloved summer time that I look forward to all year has come and gone never to return again. I know that as they grow older they will also long for their summers to be their own where they want to spend more time with their friends, and less time together getting the "silliness virus". I know that although my mind is foggy right now with the haze of 105 degree summer days, I will long for these days as the new school year revs its educational engine.
And this sacred summer season has been a glorious one for my kids. Although we stayed put and didn't travel anywhere out of our 50 mile radius the kids thrived. We picked blackberries, rode horses, went bike riding, bowling, skating, fishing, camping, and swimming. We rode water slides, climbed rock walls, played laser tag, saw movies, spent overnights with their grandparents, and went to friends' birthday parties. My loves learned how to groom horses, shoot bows and arrows, swim without their swim vests, conquer giant inflatable slides with their brothers' help, worked on potty training, went to Vacation Bible School at our church, and 9 went to his first three day/overnight church camp. They picked and ate fresh zucchini from a garden, saw chickens lay eggs, and compared them to store bought eggs. They shot water guns, jumped off both low dives and high dives, watered flowers, and visited with their great grand parents.
All in all, it was a fun filled and educational summer for 962. I saw 9 come into his own with independence and compassion, huge growth in bravery and confidence for 6, and giant leaps in vocabulary and creativity for 2. They are a far cry from where they were last summer, and worlds away where they will be this time next year. For now we have 13 days till the big yellow bug pulls into our neighborhood beckoning the boys to get on board for more adventures. Tonight I head to bed early so I can enjoy tomorrow and absorb all the silliness I can that tomorrow will bring.
So I'm not the only one that has a 'thing' for pens!! I love finding different and unique pens. Just gotta have them, haha! It sounds like you had a fun-filled summer and that 962 may be ready to get back into a routine. It is quite amazing how our kids grow from one summer to the next. I look forward to what the new school brings and I know you will too!