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The Stealthy Foe

   It is the shadowy, stalking, suffocating foe. The one that bars us from entering, when we know what waits for us on the other side is truly where we belong. It is crippling, crushing, and crucifying. For many, life is often viewed through a metal meshed steel veil that is impossible to lift. Clarity is not an option, and freedom rarely tasted. This is not for lack of trying. It is simply because the foe is so calculating and cunning. So willing to wait until we are the most vulnerable. Fear is an awful co-pilot yet often does all the driving for many of us.
    The over thinking, the "what if's" and "what might be" haunt our thoughts. It would be a blessing if it were only at night when the darkness settles in. But for many, the daily steps of getting through a door to a destination are a battle that rivals a mental marathon. Images, thoughts, and sounds overwhelm the senses to a breaking point. A point when things are not just broken, but splintered into a million shards of a glass puzzle.
    There are no rational thoughts or kind words that can bring one back from the edge. They are faltering and falling into a mental abyss in which the best intended people cannot throw them a life preserver. They must fight the current on their own. They must find a way through the torrent to a place in which they can take a quick breath and grab a foot hold.
    Everyone has fears. We all do. That is normal. That little voice that you hear that tells you something is amiss, listen to it. That spirit is there to guide you. It is there to keep you safe. Too often in our busy lives we fail to listen to this voice.
     However, for many people this voice is not kind and gentle. It is loud, terrifying, and torrential.  It pounds on its listeners' ears and throbs in their minds and hearts. That is the voice that cripples its listeners. It promises failure, judgement, pain, and death. It seduces the listener to believe its sickly lies. The lies that embed themselves in the maze of fear. The maze that often times encompasses each and every day. Every hour, every minute, and second.
     There are people everyday, 962, who fight the sounds of this foe. They try their hardest to navigate the maze, but often find them up against a dead end with no view over the hedge. They may be people you love and care for, or friends who you love to spend time with.
     They may be the child sitting next to you in class who had to pull all their courage and strength through bitter tears to get through the doors of that school today. They look fine now, smiling and joking with you, but earlier today they were battling those irrational fears that yanked them from the edge. Their tears streamed down their face and screams echoed from their lungs. But now they are present because they found that inner strength. They managed to establish a foothold.
     How they managed to get through the maze was an amazing feat. A feat that gets no medals or accolades. We don't hear about these battles on CNN or our nightly news. However it was a battle so great that when you witness it, it will leave you changed. For you will see the obstacles that others have to endure. You will be inspired by their courage. You will be awed by their strength. You will be changed.
     This is how we learn compassion. And many times when we let our hearts learn of the struggles of others, it hurts. It hurts so bad. You feel like your heart is burning. For many people this is too uncomfortable to bear. They turn away and prefer to wear the steel veil. They prefer to not know what foes their comrades battle. It is easier that way.
      However, the easier route in life is not always the one with the best view.  It does not build our character, nor make us a better person. To grow, you must take the time to really get to know others. Take the time and effort, and sacrifice the pain you will feel in your heart, to truly know their struggle. Do not judge. You never know when you will be battling your foe. For when those shadowy figures pull you from your pedestal, and believe me, they will, you will need a battle buddy by your side throwing you life preservers.

--Your Momma


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