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A Majestic Life

Horses. Tigers. Dolphins.  What do these animals have in common? No it is not that they are all mammals. It is not that they are all found in the wild. When I see these animals, there is one word that comes to mind.


According to Google, for something to be majestic it must have or show great beauty or dignity.

When these animals are in their element they are beautiful creatures that are one with their environment. They are doing what they were created to do. There is true beauty there and one that cannot be replicated by man.

The horse, when on the open plains, does not have to think hard about galloping. They are not manipulating their muscles to do what needs to be done. Their hooves beat the ground in perfect rhythm and create an equine orchestra that has sounded in our country since the 1500's. Their speed and skill are not forced. It is what they excel at. It is what they do.

The tiger does not need to put new stripes on to blend in. He or she does not need the urge to be who they are not. They are stealthy and smooth with the Creator's camouflage. Their ability to move in silence is not because of sulkiness or selfishness. It is who they are hard wired to be; they do not lose sleep over wishing they were a lion.

The bottle-nosed dolphin, while exploring the Atlantic coast, does not worry if their aerial is a perfect arch compared to their pod mates. They do not wonder if their whistles and clicks are too loud or annoying. They do what they were created to do. They show joy and exhilaration in the riding of the waves because they simply can, and they do it well.

When we look at these creatures it seems like they hold some magical power. They race and pounce; they glide and gait. However, they are simply doing what they were created to do. There is no magic. There is no filter that we are seeing them through that changes what we see. We are seeing the true essence of living a life for the purpose it is intended for.

However, for many of us we lose sight of what our gifts and talents are. We become entrenched in a battle between what the world tells us we should do or become, and what our heart longs to sing.

We listen to the whispering of others rather than hear the true music of our Creator. For some we may have never been encouraged to see our gifts. For others, it has taken a long time to unwrap those gifts. Sadly, some of us just don't think we are all that special.

We just live. 

Day by day. 

Minute by minute. 

However, when we start on the journey to peel away the unnecessary distractions in our lives, we find the essence of who we were created to be. There is no need for muscles and stripes that are not ours because ours are truly enough. They have always been enough.We just didn't realize it. Maybe we were too busy wishing we were a lion.

When we find our true purpose and start living it each and every day without fail, we too will be witness to majesty right here in our own lives. When we match what we were created to be with what we are actually doing, our life and the lives of others will be changed.

That is truly a majestic life.


  1. However, for many of us we lose sight of what our gifts and talents are. We become entrenched in a battle between what the world tells us we should do or become, and what our heart longs to sing. THAT IS WHERE SUPPORT IS NEEDED.


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