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Superheros have super powers. This is something that is accepted without question. Superman can fly.  NO problem. He can freeze things with his super breathe. Got it! We don't judge him for the bright spandex he wears.
     The Flash is wicked fast. If you need a buddy to help you out, he is the one to call.  We don't judge him for reacting too fast.
     The Hulk, well, his power is a little on the wild side, but we are fine with it. We don't recommend anger management or group therapy. We don't even judge the green color makeup he chooses to don when angry. Tame the beast? No, he is alright with us.
     Spiderman, being bit by a radioactive spider, and being able to spin webs able to carry the weight of a two ton truck? Absolutely. We don't gossip about him spinning one too many webs. And who hasn't seen a radioactive spider?  I am sure there are a few right now lurking in my basement.
    Surely we can't overlook Wonder Woman with her invisible jet and magic lasso. With nary a hair out of place, she flits from place to place taking care of bad guys with ease and beauty. We don't speak of her cleavage being a little to showy or her legs being a little too leggy. No way. You go girl. You rock that belt, matching bracelets, and headband. Those boots were made for walking all over those criminals!
     Upon researching all of the above mentioned superheros, there is one that is missing in the annals of online superhero etymology. One whose powers out blast all others. One who, with the mere mention of their name, causes bad guys to retreat to their lairs.
     They have the power of a wild beast, and can harness the energy of the sun on most days. They can run lap after lap and often it seems they circle the earth with the missions they are ensnared to complete each and every day. They have both the ability to transform like that of the Wonder Twins, and possess the strength of Superman when needed to lift the hearts, spirits, and minds of those in their charge.
     Who is this super hero I speak of? Who has the abilities of so many greats yet lacks their own comic book? It is no other than Supermom.

      So here is a tribute to all the Supermoms out there.

The ones who can change out of spit up covered clothes in record time, manage to get breakfast for their kiddos, and to work on time before Clark Kent could even close the phone booth door.

The ones who can transform into nurse, teacher, preacher, judge, and jury before Spiderman's webs have thought of being spun.

The ones who handle whining, crying, stomping, biting, and spitting with ease and patience where as the Hulk would have destroyed seven tall buildings after melt down #1.

The ones who handle the stress of everything on their own due to singleness, spouses' deployments, family illness, addiction, lack of involvement, or having been widowed. These Supermoms don't have the luxury of becoming invisible to escape their lives on a jet. And quite frankly, I think Wonder Woman might have hung herself with her magic lasso if she dealt with all the struggles of these Supermoms.

Supermoms are everywhere we look. However, because they don't wear a costume emblazoned with a special logo, they often go overlooked.  They are invisible but not in a good way.

So the next time you see a mom in a grocery store, who is sighing and looking beaten down. Perhaps she is not disciplining her children the way you see fit, don't judge her. Surely you wouldn't chastise Superman for being a bit too tired and needing to catch his breath having just flung a meteor back into space.

Just know that she probably just got done with another round of Supermom jobs that far out weigh just one meteor. She needs a smile, a pat on the back, and perhaps an encouraging word. It won't be but a matter of minutes before the SuperMom emblem shines in the sky again and she is called to duty.


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