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My Magical One

An impish smile. Sparkling green eyes that mimic a dark mossy redwood forest. An imagination that you share with me on a daily basis.  You make me laugh, wonder, and ask questions of my own. You are a wonderful creation. One so perfect, I could not have even fathomed such a lovely creature in my dreams. 

Just the right amount of timidity and tenderness. Bravery mixed with bossiness, while adding both vivaciousness and velocity. You are the sparkly pink whirlwind in my life. The small hand that clutches mine when you are scared, yet pushes me away when you are ready to explore. The artist of mine who knows what she wants, and the little inquisitive explorer of mine who asks away when her mind is wondering.

You, my love, are a piece of me, but only one. For you are made of so many pieces that have been fashioned together to make you YOU. A brilliant, dazzling, mosaic of times before and those who have long departed. 

You are your own girl. 

Your little voice telling me, "Mommy, I just love you soooo much!!!" makes my heart melt every time. The way your little hands take my face in them, and kiss me with your sweet little girl smooches, make my worries disappear. 

You soothe my soul with your pixie dust. Keep spreading that magic my girl, for the world needs more of it. More of what makes our worries less, and our present time together more of a gift. 

You are a blessing.

I look at you and can't help to be renewed. I see the casual way that you walk in your own skin. Skipping and singing without the worry of what you are wearing or who is watching. The world means nothing to you. You are constantly jumping, spinning, and twirling to the song in your tender heart. You sing and dance, for the joy it brings you, and not your audience. You are enjoying the journey and for now you know nothing of wishing your body was different.  I pray you never will. 

For you, my love, are perfect. 

You possess a quality of innocence that reminds me of the essence that we all had as children. 

Perhaps if we could all tap into this more often, and remember where our seeds of childhood reside, we too could have a day where we sprinkle pixie dust. What a magical world that would be.

Keep making the world a better place my magical one. 

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