What are you drawn to? What pulls at the inner magnet of your heart? What calms your soul? Recently I have been finding myself drawn to things that I always have been, yet asking the question WHY? What is it about these things that soothe me? What inner mechanism makes me pulled to these images like a beacon of the soul? A magic magnet that was knit long that is rooted so deeply within that it is a constant pull of peace. For example, why is it that
when I look at pictures like this I feel at home?
I did not grow up living on the water. I did not go to the sea each summer and frolic in the sand as a girl. What is it that pulls my heart to pictures like this and makes my mind stop racing and my breathing slow. What is it about this image that calls to my inner soul and tells me that there is more than the repetitive living that I am experiencing today with the dreary skies and piles of laundry that are beckoning to be put away.
And what about those people in our lives that we just click with? Those individuals that we may meet for only a brief time at a get together, yet we feel like we MUST have met before. The chemistry is too strong to be such strangers. The people who we meet and know we will only see briefly, but we so wish that we lived closer because they would be part of our lives.
Then there are those friends who we have known for years and the conversation picks up right where we left off. No matter if it has been six months or six years, there is no forcing of anything. It is natural and soothing. They are a soother to our souls. Just the mere presence of their person makes everything okay. They are anchors for us. Anchors to keep us from drifting. Or sometimes they double as buoys. Keeping us afloat when we feel as if we are drowning. Do you have those people in your life? They are true gifts. Gifts to be cherished and protected.
Other times I wonder why is it that my tastes in the comfort of my own surroundings seem to be the same. Walking through stores I find myself picking up the same types of decor. My hands instinctively reach for the seashells and lanterns. And why is it that while browsing the many pictures on Pinterest am I always drawn to the same type of decor? Why is it that in my mind's eye my dream kitchen always looks like this...
with the white cabinets and blue accents? Does it remind my soul of the sky and clouds that I love to be under? Is it the clean bright white that makes everything seem clean and neat? Is it my personality of wanting things in their place? Or do the floors, so close to the color of the earth, make me feel rooted?
And for the record my favorite colors are always this...
If I had my choice, my whole house would be painted in various hues and combinations of the above. Every nook and crevice would breathe these colors to life. Colors that are so me that I feel as if they are my friends. We are deeply rooted. But why?
The thing is....I have talked to so many people and they all have things that they too are drawn to. Things that they have no memorial connection to, yet are peace givers, and soul soothers. They are all so different for each of us. For some it may be butterflies or birds, waterfalls or water lilies. For others it is tulips or a tree-topped mountain side.
Still others find the lulling sound of waves crashing on powdery sand a mesmerizing and yet mellowing experience to the senses. Is it a memory of a distant time ago when we were lulled by whooshing of our mother's heart beat? If that were so, then why aren't we all drawn to the waves? But we aren't. It is a different pull for each of us.
For me, it is also a sunset of the brilliant hot pinks and and purplish blues. I can't resist stopping what ever I am doing and look at such natural magnificence. A true work of God's art. I imagine he is telling me, "Stop. Look at what I have made for you. Something that is free and fleeting, yet all for you." However, many times I have stood stock still in the parking lot of a grocery store and marveled at the angelic sky art, while other people just walk casually by with nary a glance to the brilliance right above their heads. A canvas so massive that it can't be missed. Yet it is. It does NOTHING for them. Not even a glance.

Recently I have felt restless. I have wrestled with purpose and placement. Yet when I stop and look to those things that bring me peace, the haziness becomes a little more focused. Those things, stop the spinning in my mind, and I feel the peace. I feel the balance shift from tilting mess to a sensation, albeit fleeting, of being grounded. Grounded by things that feel so right and placed in my life for my benefit.
The part of my soul, the traveler, the seeker of deeper meaning, has those days that she wonders and wishes. She ponders and asks questions. Questions that maybe will never be answered and never really should be. But some times it is not the answers that are our true answers. It is the pondering that places the peace in our chaos. It is the wondering that makes us wait and be willing to walk. Quietly and softly down a path that was unseen before.
when I look at pictures like this I feel at home?

And what about those people in our lives that we just click with? Those individuals that we may meet for only a brief time at a get together, yet we feel like we MUST have met before. The chemistry is too strong to be such strangers. The people who we meet and know we will only see briefly, but we so wish that we lived closer because they would be part of our lives.
Then there are those friends who we have known for years and the conversation picks up right where we left off. No matter if it has been six months or six years, there is no forcing of anything. It is natural and soothing. They are a soother to our souls. Just the mere presence of their person makes everything okay. They are anchors for us. Anchors to keep us from drifting. Or sometimes they double as buoys. Keeping us afloat when we feel as if we are drowning. Do you have those people in your life? They are true gifts. Gifts to be cherished and protected.
Other times I wonder why is it that my tastes in the comfort of my own surroundings seem to be the same. Walking through stores I find myself picking up the same types of decor. My hands instinctively reach for the seashells and lanterns. And why is it that while browsing the many pictures on Pinterest am I always drawn to the same type of decor? Why is it that in my mind's eye my dream kitchen always looks like this...
And for the record my favorite colors are always this...
The thing is....I have talked to so many people and they all have things that they too are drawn to. Things that they have no memorial connection to, yet are peace givers, and soul soothers. They are all so different for each of us. For some it may be butterflies or birds, waterfalls or water lilies. For others it is tulips or a tree-topped mountain side.
Still others find the lulling sound of waves crashing on powdery sand a mesmerizing and yet mellowing experience to the senses. Is it a memory of a distant time ago when we were lulled by whooshing of our mother's heart beat? If that were so, then why aren't we all drawn to the waves? But we aren't. It is a different pull for each of us.
For me, it is also a sunset of the brilliant hot pinks and and purplish blues. I can't resist stopping what ever I am doing and look at such natural magnificence. A true work of God's art. I imagine he is telling me, "Stop. Look at what I have made for you. Something that is free and fleeting, yet all for you." However, many times I have stood stock still in the parking lot of a grocery store and marveled at the angelic sky art, while other people just walk casually by with nary a glance to the brilliance right above their heads. A canvas so massive that it can't be missed. Yet it is. It does NOTHING for them. Not even a glance.
Recently I have felt restless. I have wrestled with purpose and placement. Yet when I stop and look to those things that bring me peace, the haziness becomes a little more focused. Those things, stop the spinning in my mind, and I feel the peace. I feel the balance shift from tilting mess to a sensation, albeit fleeting, of being grounded. Grounded by things that feel so right and placed in my life for my benefit.
The part of my soul, the traveler, the seeker of deeper meaning, has those days that she wonders and wishes. She ponders and asks questions. Questions that maybe will never be answered and never really should be. But some times it is not the answers that are our true answers. It is the pondering that places the peace in our chaos. It is the wondering that makes us wait and be willing to walk. Quietly and softly down a path that was unseen before.

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