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Showing posts from November, 2013


The other night, little sister came proudly into the kitchen, placed her foot upon the table and asked me, "Mommy do you know what this is?" I paused, as if it was a trick question....thought about reminding her of proper table manners and then said, " looks like a purple flower you drew on your foot with marker." After a long sigh, she replied, "No Mommy, it is my IMAGINATION!" That was it. A trick question indeed and with it she captivated me. That simple word has been floating around in my head ever since. For many of us, our imaginations have long since gone silent. We can't remember what it was like at 3 1/2 to make up stories, and songs, or dare to dream. We have long since silenced the stick ponies that were ridden down the hardwood hallways clomping all the way. Our days and nights become synonymous with the old "Time to make the doughnuts" commercial. We feel the drudgery, we hear the background music to "Groundho...